Getting the Most out of Your Session

Please read through the following carefully…

  • Getting to know You

    If you’re drawn to working with me, I’ll send you a consultation form. This is fairly comprehensive, so it is lengthy - please allow a good hour to fill it out. It is an invitation for you to share your life story so far. You may be surprised at some of the questions! Approach it with an open heart. Be radically honest wherever possible. The more you give to the process, the quicker we can get into the deep nitty gritty and ensure a strong start to your healing process :-)

  • What I require from you

    Please come to the session with respect and an open mind. There are limitless things that may come up, so if the body asks you to do some form of ‘homework’ (this may be lifestyle changes or a new tool to work with), please honour this request and fulfill it to the best of your ability - the body will only ask you to do something if it is an essential part of your healing process - your commitment to this is paramount in helping you achieve whatever it is you are seeking my help with. Don’t worry! These are only ever small asks or tweaks.

  • Before we meet

    Ideally, we all drink a minimum of 2L water daily. If you’re not reaching this target, try increasing your intake by one glass a day, so that by the time we have our first session, your system is well hydrated and able to process the energy work smoothly and efficiently. Spring water or good quality filtered water (e.g. Berkey) is ideal. Doing this alone will improve the quality of your life no end!

  • The Essentials

    All devices turned off, all notifications silenced, anything that may ping up a message on your screen is disabled. This is your time; everything else can wait. It’s important you are undisturbed for the full session - this means pets, children, partners etc. do not interrupt our time together. Please consider this when booking your appointment, and do your best to honour this request so we can do our best work. You need your hands free for the session so please have your device placed on a stable surface where it will not slip and get yourself settled somewhere comfortable so you won’t have to move around; ideally lying down so you can relax fully, or nestled into a comfy chair with a blanket.

  • Things to have to hand

    • A pint of warm water to drink through the session; as previously mentioned, adequate hydration is critical for a smooth healing process.
    • Any supplements, remedies, medication you take, or energetic tools you use, no matter how infrequent the use.
    • For privacy and security, the session is not recorded, so you may wish to have pen and paper/your journal to hand to make notes. I will send you an email after the session detailing anything you need to work with movings forwards.

  • After the session

    In an ideal world, you’d have the rest of the day/evening free to yourself to rest, sleep, be creative if the urge unfolds. Try not to rush straight back into work/family/life demands if possible. Give your body ~ mind ~ soul the opportunity to process… you may want to be still, enjoy silence, or be in nature. Conversely, you may feel super energised! My experience is most people feel pretty wiped out afterwards so please consider this when booking your appointment; that you have access to the rest and sleep you need. You’ll likely wake the next day feeling so much better!